Monday, September 29, 2014

First... Lasts.. Forever..

When we first met..
I can see your determination..
Longest I have search for you..
Looking at you as how you looked for me...

You shine up my life..
Opening my morning with a smile..
Untying me from world's bound..

Baby, will you be
Eternally mine..?

My one and only..
Yes you are...

While you might not see it
I cherish you with all my heart..
From the bottom of my heart...
Echoing through the darkness

Zoning out was your habit..
Indistinct focus was your weakness..
Entering my mind was your specialties..
Relaxation was not your strong suit..
Assorting life was your aim..
Helping others are your uniqueness..
... You do changed a lot just for me..

I appreciates all of it..

Listening to your stories I can never stop to relate.
Only that I could never say..
Veering from one story to another..
Exponentially I learn of you..

Yes, Some of the words you read are not related..
Only if you read the first of each..
Until the end you'll see...